When we return . . .
We’re all crazy anxious to get back into the studio! I am so hopeful that will happen mid-May. I even sent the governor an email asking her not to consider Pilates studios in the same category as gyms when it comes to deciding what business can open first. Teaching privates and semi-privates is a regular part of our income, we can maintain a safe distance, and this would be a great way to ease back in after being closed for two months. I did receive a response back, albeit pretty generic. But, I felt better for sending it.
I’ve been thinking (and doing) a whole lot in anticipation of opening up again. I’ve rearranged the studio so everything is further apart. I can hear you laughing because you know how much I love rearranging, even without a good reason! I’ll ask that you all wash hands before and after class. I have 2 sinks so that shouldn’t be an issue. And, I have done a fair amount of research on germs. . .
We’ll continue to clean the equipment and props after class with the isopropyl-based spray cleaner. And afterwards, I’ll spray everything down with a commercial disinfectant (after you all have left). It stays wet until it dries - not wiped off. There are 10’s of options out there so I selected one that kills coronavirus and also influenzas but, is safe for the vinyl upholstery.
So, that means the equipment and props will be both cleaned and disinfected. And. . . there’s more! Heat. I have purchased a steam cleaner for the carpet. It heats and pressurizes water to the point where steam is created. No chemicals, just steam to kill everything that may be on the ground.
What do you all think about masks? Please let me know. I’m happy to wear one but I don’t know how you feel about yourselves.
Fingers crossed we’ll be seeing each other soon!
Cleaning removes allergens and micro-organisms from the environment. When a surface is cleaned, soap or detergent has been used to remove dirt, germs, and impurities. Cleaning helps to reduce the number of germs that can lead to infection, however, it does not necessarily kill germs.
The germ count is lowered to a safe level as defined by public health standards. There are a few different methods used to achieve a sanitary surface – heat, radiation, and chemicals. Sanitary surfaces can be created either by removing germs through cleaning, or killing germs through disinfecting.